Monday, May 5, 2008

Model blog 9

Ode to modeling
by james

Models, Models
How do I love thee?
I just cannot see
The more I search, the more I fall so deeply
for your methodology

This love I speak of it can't be erotic
I am married, and plus loving you that way would just be illogic
No! we are much deeper you and I,
down to the core,
problems we simplify.

Sometimes I wonder if you'd love me back.
But it is then that I think about blogging instead of hitting the sack.
It seems that I often lie awake pondering what to type.
until I scan the Google top ten list on business models in honolulu or some other foreign land
on which I may write.

I can not say we will last,
for there is but one day more,
that I should live search this class
or knock on Jeeves' door.

The greater question is this:
Will you hold me together
like staples or sutures
when I must design a system
way out in the distant future.

The End

eh-hem, and now to fulfill the requirement of this assignment:

Data to be put into this model:

love, affection, endearment.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I must say, that is one of the more creative blog entries (and given that lots of people are catching up, I am reading a LOT of blogs these days)... and I appreciate the break. You missed DSS in your poem though ....